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Good Telephone Practices

Preparation--Write down your questions before hand.  Focus on one issue.

Make sure that you are calling the person who is directly responsible for dealing with your problem.

Identify yourself by name.  Speak clearly.  Identify your child, and your relationship to the child.  Explain why you are calling.

Do not argue; just express your views.

Ask questions.  Listen.  Keep notes.

Briefly review any areas of agreement and any actions that you or the person to whom you are speaking have agreed to act on.  These are commitments to action that the school, yourself, or your child has made.

If you believe it is appropriate to have a written record of the conversation (besides your written notes), follow-up with a letter, or request a written response.  Restate your name and provide your mailing address.

If you cannot reach the person, leave a message with your name, number and reason for calling.  If you do not receive a response within a few days, call until you receive a response, or call that person’s supervisor.

Write down the date, subject or topic, and name of the person to whom you spoke, and the outcomes of your conversation.

Follow-up your telephone calls with a note or letter to confirm what you understand to be the actions that were agreed to on the phone.

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